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My Pilates Story

It all started with a mile…

We were required to take the annual physical fitness in my Colorado Springs, CO middle-school P.E. class and I failed.


At age 12, I couldn't run a mile without stopping for breath. Somehow, even at a young age, I knew that should not be the case, and something needed to change. I had my mom drive a 1-mile loop from my house and back. I started jogging that route every-other-day until I could run the whole way without stopping. One mile lead to 1.5 miles, lead to 3-mile runs three times a week.

Pretty soon I was running half-marathons and breaking weight-lifting records.

Around age 24, I moved to NYC and kept up my running. However, I started feeling the impact of hitting the hard concrete, a stark contrast from the Colorado trails.

I started to have pain in my knees and lower back more often than not.

That's when I found Pilates.

I was terrible at Pilates when I first started, so of course, I hated it! But again, I somehow knew deep down, that my greatest weakness (in this case my core) was the clue to the next step in my fitness pursuit. 

Joseph Pilates the creator of Contrology or what is now referred to as The Pilates Method, claimed:

“In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see the difference and in 30 sessions you’ll have a new body.” Joseph Pilates

Sure enough, within three months, my body had completely changed. My knee pain and back pain vanished. My posture had improved so significantly that I was 3/4 of an inch taller! I could touch my toes without bending my legs for the first time since childhood and my core strength had improved so much that I could hold a 3-minute plank. 

Now I find that Pilates allows me to continue running, lifting weights, and performing on stage pain-free. 

It can help you too. 

Let me introduce this incredible, dare I say magical, practice to you. 

What are you waiting for? 

Your transformed, pain-free body is only 30 sessions away. Click on the button below to sign up for your first private authentic Pilates session.